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How to find dead AirPods?

As an AirPods owner, I know the frustration of not being able to find them when I need them the most. After multiple failed attempts of finding my AirPods, I decided to do some research and testing to solve this problem. In this blog post, I’m going to share with you how I solved the issue of finding my dead AirPods and other potential solutions I discovered during my research.

If your AirPods are dead but were connected to find my iPhone, you can see the last online location on find my iPhone. Otherwise, the only options available to you are traditional searching methods such as retracing your steps and looking in places where you frequently use your AirPods.

Key takeaways:

  • If your AirPods are dead but were connected to the find my iPhone app, you can see the last online location.
  • Retrace your steps and look in places where you usually use your AirPods if you cannot find them with the app.
  • Consider where you last used and normally use the AirPods and if you have pets that could have taken them.
  • If the AirPods have been at 0% charge for longer than a week, the battery may have died.
  • You can get the AirPods Pro 2 case to play a sound through the Find my App

How to find dead AirPods?

Below are options you have when finding your dead AirPods.

Use find my iPhone

The “Find My” app on iPhone allows you to track your Apple devices. It can also be used via To use it to find your dead AirPods do the following:

  1. Turn on “Find my” in the settings on your iPhone
  2. Open your Apple ID settings then click on “Find My”
  3. Ensure “Find my iPhone” is turned on and “Send Last Location”
  4. Open the “Find my” app
  5. If your AirPods are listed on the devices, it should show their last known location

When AirPods have power in them, it is actually possible to get them to play a sound. However, since your AirPods do not have power, the best you can do is to use the Find my app to see your AirPods last known location. With that being said, if you have the AirPods Pro 2 case or newer, it will be possible for you to get the case to play a sound if it has power in it using find my iphone.

If you are unable to see your AirPods last known location by using “Find my”, your only option will be to retrace your steps.

Read more: Can you charge AirPods without the case?


Try to remember where you last used the AirPods

It would help to try to remind yourself of where you last used the AirPods.

If you know that you last used the AirPods in a certain room, you can search the room by starting in a certain location in the room and then working your way around the room.

It would help to look underneath things such as chairs, cushions, mattresses, and beds since the AirPods might have fallen underneath.

Consider where you normally use the AirPods

It would also help to consider where you most frequently use the AirPods since that is the most likely location, if you cannot remember where you last used them.

Consider if you have pets

If you have a dog, it might be the case that your dog ate the AirPods or that your dog picked up the AirPods and took them elsewhere.

In this case, it would help to look at spots where your dog tends to go since the AirPods might be there.

Consider how long it has been since you have last used the AirPods

Many users have reported their AirPods dying because they were left at 0% charge for too long.

If your AirPods has been at 0% charge for longer than a week and you cannot find the AirPods through Bluetooth, it could be the case that the battery has actually died.

Read more: Do you have to connect AirPods every time?

How to find dead AirPods on Android?

If you lost your AirPods with Android, it will not be possible for you to track them since there are no apps like “Find my” for Android.

Therefore, it will be necessary for you to use offline searching methods such as retracing your steps.

How to find dead AirPods in the house?

To find your dead AirPods in the house, it will be necessary for you to search for them by considering where you last used them and where you normally use them.

You can try using “Find my” but its location tracking may not be accurate enough for you. If your AirPods happen to have some charge, you can use “Find my” to get them to play a sound.

How to find dead AirPods out of the case?

The ways to find dead AirPods out of the case are the same as if they are in the case.

If you can find them using the “Find my” app, it should display the last known location for one of them. Otherwise, you will have to use offline searching methods such as those mentioned above.

How to locate my AirPods if the case is dead?

If the AirPods case is dead but not the AirPods themselves, you can use the “Find my” app to see their last known location as well as to get them to play a sound.

Another option would be to connect to your AirPods via Bluetooth. If they are in the range of Bluetooth, it means that the AirPods must be nearby.