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iPhone Battery Health 85 Percent (Good or Bad?)

As an iPhone user, I’ve been frustrated with how quickly my phone’s battery health has been deteriorating lately. After doing some research and playing around with a few tips and tricks, I’ve finally managed to restore my battery health to 85%. But, I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. In this post, I’m going to share with you how I solved my problem and some of the solutions I’ve discovered to ensure your iPhone battery health is in tip-top condition.

Key TakeawaysDetails
iPhone Battery Health 85%Considered good, as Apple states 80% battery health is still acceptable
Charge CyclesBattery health starts degrading after 500 complete charge cycles
Checking Battery HealthGo to Settings > Battery > Battery Health
Causes of Fast Battery DrainImproper charging, background app refresh, poor cell coverage, automatic downloads, location access, etc.
Optimizing Battery LifeUse Low Power Mode, disable Background Refresh, turn off Bluetooth when not in use, limit push notifications
ConclusionRegularly check battery health, maintain good practices to extend battery life and performance

iPhone Battery Health 85 Percent: Is it Good or Bad?

Battery health is often a source of confusion for iPhone users.

Expressed in percentage, battery health measures the capacity of your iPhone to last between charge cycles. In other words, it’s your battery’s capability when it was new compared to when you’ve used your iPhone over time. Every time you charge your iPhone, its battery health degrades

Once the battery health of your iPhone starts to drop, you’ll notice the quick interval in having it charged after using it for just a few hours or so. You may also encounter some performance issues. This leads to the question: When should you be concerned about your battery health? 

According to Apple, a battery health of 80 percent is considered good for your iPhone. Normally, this percentage is reached at 500 complete charge cycles. One complete charge means having discharged 100 percent of your battery’s capacity. 

To illustrate what one complete charge means, let’s say you have used 80 percent of your battery today, and you recharged it up to 100 percent overnight. You’ll only have discharged 100 percent once you’ve used up another 20 percent the following day. 

As a rule of thumb, you should start worrying about your battery health when its maximum capacity drops to 79 percent or lower. You don’t necessarily need to look for a battery replacement once it reaches this low, though. You can still use your iPhone with this maximum capacity but with diminished performance.

However, if it’ll stress you out because your iPhone can’t keep up with your usage pattern due to weak battery health, it’s better to replace your battery with a new one. You don’t need to wait for the maximum capacity to hit the recommended 40 percent before deciding to get a new battery.

How to Check the Battery Health

Now that you know that 80 percent is still good for your iPhone battery health, and definitely 85 percent is even better, you may want to know how to check for your iPhone’s battery health.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3. 

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Scroll down to Battery
  3. Choose Battery Health

Once Battery Health is clicked, your screen will display the Maximum Capacity, Peak Performance Capacity, and Optimized Battery Charging. 

The percentage in the Maximum Capacity should give you an idea if your battery health is still reliable or if you need to have your battery replaced. If it shows 85 percent, it means your iPhone can still perform at its peak for longer. However, you’ll want to keep tracking it for some time to make sure it’s not degrading too fast.

What Causes Battery to Drain So Fast?

Aside from the normal wear and tear reason, iPhone battery health is affected by other various factors, which you need to check if you want to maximize your battery and keep it from draining so fast.

Here are some reasons your battery is degrading faster than it should:

  • You’re not charging your iPhone properly
  • You’re enabling Background App Refresh
  • You don’t turn on Airplane Mode when you’re in a pool cell coverage area
  • Your Automatic Downloads are on
  • You don’t use the Low Power Mode frequently enough
  • You always have the Location Access on
  • You don’t place your iPhone with its face down
  • You’re not enabling optimized battery charging
  • You don’t use the Dark Mode enough
  • You use Airdrop more than you should
  • You have too many widgets installed
  • You have Push notifications on for most apps
  • Your iPhone is frequently exposed to a temperature of over 95 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Your Bluetooth is always turned on even when you’re not using it
  • You use mobile data instead of WiFi a lot


Knowing the condition of your iPhone battery’s health is important in ensuring the optimum use of your mobile phone. It’s a good idea to check it, especially if you’ve already used your phone for quite some time.

Next time you check your battery health, and it’s at 85 percent Maximum Capacity, be assured that it’ll still give you the performance that suits your usage. However, if you want to extend the lifespan of your battery, you need to stop those practices that could degrade your iPhone battery health faster. 

Try to keep the Low Power Mode on for some time, and it’s better not to keep Bluetooth on at all times. Additionally, it’d be a good idea to disable the Background Refresh feature.