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Why is my TCL TV making a clicking sound?

As a frustrated TCL TV owner, I was perplexed by the clicking sound coming from my television. After some research and testing, I’m here to share what I discovered and provide some potential solutions. In this blog post, I’ll explain why my TCL TV was making a clicking sound and what I did to fix the issue. Hopefully, my experience can help others who might be experiencing the same issue.

TCL televisions are not immune to temperature changes, and when the internal parts warm up or cool down, they will begin to let off a clicking, popping, or crackling sound. This is nothing to worry about, and a completely normal thing for electronics to do. 

While the clicking sound you hear is probably due to temperature changes, there are a couple of other more problematic issues that can cause your TCL TV to make these annoying clicks. However, there are a number of things you can do about it.

1. TCL TVs may make clicking, popping, or crackling noises due to temperature fluctuations.
2. Hardware issues like bad capacitors on the power board can also cause clicking sounds.
3. If the clicking noise is due to temperature changes, there is nothing that can be done to fix it.
4. If the clicking noise persists, contact TCL Support for assistance.
5. TCL Support can help determine if the TV is still under warranty and locate a repair technician near you.

Why is my TCL TV making a clicking sound?

The most common cause of your TCL TV making a clicking sound is due to the natural contraction and expansion of the television’s inner workings.

Like other electronics, televisions are made up of various plastic and metal materials that are affected by temperature fluctuations. When this occurs, it is normal to hear some cracking, popping, or clicking sounds. However, that isn’t the only cause of an annoying clicking sound.

Hardware Issue

Sometimes, when an TCL television is experiencing hardware issues, it will start making a clicking sound. This can occur even if the television is otherwise working normally. 

Unfortunately, you will need to contact TCL Support for assistance with hardware problems. They will be able to discuss the matter with you, troubleshoot the problem, and then create a solution to help get your television working properly once again. 

Bad Capacitors

A common problem with LCD televisions is that the capacitors on the power board can go bad.

A tell tale sign of bad capacitors is that the television makes a clicking sound but won’t turn on.

If you feel comfortable with tackling the problem, you can fix it yourself, though this will require several tools, such as a TCL Repair kit and soldering iron. 

Don’t feel bad if you don’t feel comfortable trying to fix the bad capacitors yourself.

Instead, reach out to a local electronic repair technician or contact TCL customer assistance.

They can give you a list of repair techs near you that have experience working on TCL televisions. 

How do I fix the clicking noise on my TCL TV?

If the clicking noise on your TCL TV is caused by normal temperature changes then there is nothing you can do to fix the problem.

However, the clicking noise should just occur when you first turn the television on or off. If the clicking noise continues to happen even after the television has been on or off for some time, then you probably have a more serious problem on your hands. 

Contact TCL Support

Unfortunately, if the issue is not associated with temperature fluctuations, your best option is to contact TCL Support for assistance.

In most cases, the television will need to be repaired in order to fix the clicking noise.

The support agent can assist you with determining if the television is still under warranty, as well as locate a repair technician near you. 

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