I am Daniel Neale and I am the founder of gadget-faqs.com.
I have always been very interested in gadgets, but I became very interested in smart appliances when I moved to a new home.
The goal of this website is to use my expertise with tech products to help you solve your gadget-related problems and to help you with purchasing decisions.
On this website, you can find information about tech products such as iPhones, Macbooks, TVs, AirPods, and much more.
Every article on this website has been carefully crafted to make sure that you get the information that you are looking for.
Many readers come here frustrated looking for answers to their gadget problems and we hope that our articles allow you to get the exact information that you need.
I hope that you find Gadget FAQS to be a helpful resource and will help you will avoid the frustration of having a gadget that is not working the way that it should be.
You can find our Youtube channel here.
Editorial Guidelines
All content on this website goes through strict editorial guidelines before being published. The content must adhere to our requirements on formatting, usefulness, spelling, and grammar.
The content must also provide the information in a clear and concise way so that the reader can get to their answer quickly!
In addition, the articles on this website are regularly fact-checked by experienced tech writers and updated so that the information remains relevant.
If you have an issue with any of the articles on this website or you just want to provide feedback, you can email me at daniel@gadget-faqs.com.
For media enquires you can contact us at daniel+media@gadget-faqs.com.
For complaints you can contact us at daniel+complaints@gadget-faqs.com.
Address: 28 Reson Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1NU
Phone: +44 7510 292793
Useful resources: Screen time vs Lean Time
Tips to reduce screen time
Reducing screen time