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Why do my AirPods smell weird?

As a proud owner of Apple AirPods, I recently noticed a strange smell coming from them. I was really puzzled and frustrated, so I decided to do some research and testing to see if I could figure out the source of the smell and find a solution. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my experience, as well as some other solutions that I discovered during my research.

If your AirPods are new, the most likely reason why your AirPods smell weird are that there were smells released, while they were being made, that got trapped in the packaging with them. It is very common for new AirPods to smell weird and you do not need to do anything about it.

New AirPods may smell weird, but the smell should go away in a few days.
If your AirPods are not new and working fine, consider if something might have come into contact with them that could cause them to smell bad.
If your AirPods are not new and not working normally, take them to an Apple store because the smell could be a sign of a damaged battery.

Why do my AirPods smell weird?

Below are likely reasons why your AirPods smell weird.

New AirPods

If you have recently bought your AirPods, it is likely that they smell weird because of off-gassing when they were being made.

It is normal for AirPods to smell weird when they are new. Many users actually report that their AirPods smell like blueberries.

It is likely that the smell will go away over the course of a few days or so.

Broken battery

If your AirPods are not new, the issue could be that the battery is broken.

This would be more likely if your AirPods are not actually working properly and if something recently happened that might have caused them to become damaged such as getting very wet.

Something smelly happened to your AirPods

It might also be the case that your AirPods came into contact with something that has a bad smell. An example would be if your dog recently laid on your AirPods.


What to do if my AirPods smell weird?

If your AirPods are new and they smell weird, you don’t need to do anything. It is normal for new AirPods to smell weird and the smell will likely go away in a few days.

If your AirPods are not new but they are working fine, it would help to consider if something came into contact with them that might cause them to smell such as a dog.

In this case, it is also likely that the best option is to do nothing.

If they are not new and they are not working normally, it would be best to take them to an Apple store because the issue could be the battery.

Read more: Why do my AirPods have different battery levels?

How to make my AirPods smell better?

If your AirPods are new, they likely smell because of the smells created while they were being made and because that smell has not been able to escape the packaging they were in.

You do not need to do anything to make them smell better because they will lose their smell over the course of a few days.

Read more: Do I need an Apple TV for each TV?

Why do my AirPods pro smell bad?

Your AirPod Pros might smell bad for any of the same reasons why regular AirPods might smell bad. It is very common for them to smell while they are new and there is nothing you need to do about it.