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Can you take pictures with AirPods?

As an avid Apple user, I was excited to try the AirPods. But when I realized they didn’t have a camera, I was a bit disappointed. Still, I wanted to know if there was any way to take pictures with the AirPods. After doing some research and testing out different solutions, I’m here to share how I successfully took pictures with my AirPods and the other solutions I discovered along the way.

You cannot take pictures using AirPods themselves. However, you can get Siri to take pictures for you instead by using the “Shortcuts” app and setting a voice command.

AirPods cannot take pictures on their own.
You can use Siri to take pictures by using the Shortcuts app and setting a voice command.
You cannot use AirPods as a camera shutter by pressing on them.
You cannot control the iPhone camera directly using AirPods.

Can you take pictures with AirPods?

You cannot take pictures using AirPods themselves. However, you can use Siri to get your iPhone’s camera to take a picture.

To do this do the following:

  1. Go to the Shortcuts app on your iPhone
  2. In the “Gallery” section type “Take a picture”
  3. Now you can say “Hey Siri, Take a picture” and your phone will automatically take a picture for you

Read more: Why won’t my AirPods connect after resetting them?


Can you use AirPods as a camera shutter?

You can use AirPods as a camera shutter by using Siri as mentioned above. However, you can’t press on the AirPods themselves to take a picture.

Read more: how often to charge AirPods case

Can you control the iPhone camera using AirPods?

It is not possible to control the iPhone camera directly by using AirPods. However, you can use Siri to take a picture by using the Shortcuts app as mentioned above.